SMS Report

Get a complete view of your SMS records. search, filter, and download detailed logs and reports for better campaign analysis.

This document outlines the features and functionalities available on the SMS Report page.


Search Functionality

  • Keyword Search: Users can search for specific records by entering keywords in the search bar. This helps in quickly locating relevant SMS records.

  • Timeframe: By default, the page displays records from the last one month from the current date.


  • Country Filter: Users can filter SMS records based on the country. This is useful for analyzing SMS performance or issues in specific regions.

  • Message Status Filter: The message status filter allows users to narrow down records based on the status of the SMS. The available statuses include:

    • Sent

    • Delivered

    • Scheduled

    • Undelivered

Detailed Log View

  • View Detailed Log: Each SMS record has an option to view its detailed log. This log provides additional information about the message, such as:

    • Request ID

    • SMS rate

    • Total cost

    • Number lookup status

    • Data coding

Report Download

  • Download Report: Users can download the SMS report in CSV format for further analysis or record-keeping. This feature is accessible via the Export button.

To fully understand the functionalities and user interface of the SMS Report page, it is recommended to watch the associated video demonstration.

Last updated