Set up WhatsApp ChatBot

Create and manage WhatsApp chat flows with our chatbot feature.

Our dashboard includes a chatbot feature that allows you to design and manage your own WhatsApp chat flows. This feature is currently in beta version, providing an intuitive interface to create automated conversations and enhance your customer interaction experience.

Getting Started

  1. Naming Your Chatbot:

    • Upon accessing the chatbot feature, a form will open asking you to provide a name for your chatbot. Choose a name that represents the function or purpose of your chatbot.

    • Additionally, you will have the option to choose a registered WhatsApp phone number for your chatbot. This step is optional, meaning you can create your chat flows without connecting to a WhatsApp registered number. Note that, as of now, one phone number can be connected to one chat flow.

  2. Drawable Page Interface:

    • After naming your chatbot and optionally selecting a WhatsApp phone number, you will be taken to a drawable page. This is where you can define and visualize your WhatsApp chat flow.

    • The drawable interface allows you to create nodes and connect them, representing the flow of the conversation.

Creating Your Chat Flow

  1. Adding Messages:

    • Text Messages: You can add simple text messages that will be sent to users at specific points in the conversation.

    • Interactive Messages: Enhance your chat flow with interactive messages. These can include buttons to engage users.

  2. Defining the Flow:

    • Use the drawable interface to connect different messages and create a coherent conversation flow.

    • Each node represents a step in the conversation, and arrows define the path the conversation takes based on user interactions.

  3. Saving and Deploying the Flow:

    • Once you have defined your chat flow, save the flow.

    • To see your chat flow in action, deploy the flow. This will activate your designed conversation and make it functional for user interactions.

To understand the chatbot feature better and see it in action, please watch our instructional video

Important Note : To see your created chat flow in action, you must connect it with a Meta-registered business phone number. This step is essential for the chatbot to interact with users via WhatsApp.

Feedback and Support

As this feature is in beta, your feedback is invaluable to us. Please share any issues or suggestions you have to help us improve the chatbot functionality. For support, reach out to our customer service team via email at

Last updated