Verify Report

Explore detailed logs and analytics for OTP verification activities with our Verify Report Page. Search, filter, and download reports easily.

The verify report page shares many similarities with the SMS Report Page, allowing users to search, filter, and download reports. This document outlines the functionalities and features specific to the Verify Report Page.


Search Functionality

  • Keyword Search: Users can search for specific records using keywords.

  • Time Frame: By default, the report displays records from the last one month from the current date.

Filtering Options

  • Country Filter: Users can filter OTP verification records based on the country.

  • Status Filter: Users can filter records by the status of the OTP (e.g., sent, delivered, scheduled).

Detailed Logs

  • View Detailed Log: There is an option to view detailed logs for each OTP verification attempt, providing comprehensive information about each transaction.

Download Report

  • Report Download: Users have the option to download the OTP verification report for further analysis or record-keeping.

The Verify Report Page functions similarly to the SMS Report Page, providing a consistent user experience across different types of reports.

Last updated