Managing Whatsapp Templates

Streamline your WhatsApp template creation and registration process with us.

Our platform includes a feature that allows you to create and register WhatsApp templates with Meta. This process is designed to be straightforward, following a three-step procedure across three tabs. Below are the details.

Step 1: Select WABA ID and Basic Information


  1. WABA ID:

    • Select your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID from the available list. This ID is necessary for identifying your business account when registering templates with Meta.

  2. Language:

    • Choose the language for your template. This ensures that your messages are appropriately localized for your target audience.

  3. Template Category:

    • Select the category for your template from the following options:

      • Marketing: Used for promotional content aimed at engaging customers and driving sales.

      • Utility: Used for informational content such as updates, notifications, and reminders.

      • Authentication: Used for verification and authentication purposes, such as OTP messages.

  4. Template Type (Based on Category):

    • Depending on the selected category, choose the template type:

      • Authentication: No subtype selection is required.

      • Marketing:

        • Carousel: Suitable for displaying multiple items in a sliding format.

        • Custom: Allows for a tailored message format.

        • Limited Time Offer: Designed for time-sensitive promotional messages.

      • Utility:

        • Custom: Allows for a tailored message format.

        • Carousel: Suitable for displaying multiple items in a sliding format.

  5. Allow/Disallow Category Change:

    • You can include the option to allow category changes to categorize your template based on its content. If there is a mismatch between the designated category and the category determined based on your template content, the template will be created, but its status will be set to REJECTED. This feature helps prevent your template from being immediately rejected due to categorisation issues.

Step 2: Designing the Template

The options in this tab will differ according to the category and type of template selected. Below is an example for designing options for a Marketing Limited Time Offer (LTO) template. We have structured this section in such a way that, by following the on-screen instructions, you can effortlessly create the template type you selected. To get an idea about the various template types and how they will appear to the customer, check out this.

Step 3: Adding Interactive Elements

This tab is an extension of the Template Design tab, where you can add buttons and other interactive components to your template.Below is an example for a Marketing Limited Time Offer (LTO) template.

Adding Buttons and Defining Actions:

  1. Buttons:

    • Add interactive buttons to your template to enhance user engagement. For example:

      • Call to Action: Customers may be hesitant to click on long or unclear URLs in text messages. Instead, you can use interactive call-to-action (CTA) URL button messages. These allow you to link any URL to a button, avoiding the need to include the raw URL in the message itself.

      • Quick Replies: Reply button messages let you offer choices for users to pick from. When a user selects one of these buttons, it sends a message back to you with their choice.

  2. Configuring Action on Button Click:

    • Define the actions associated with each button, such as redirecting to a webpage, dialing a phone number,or both , adding copy code or sending a predefined response.

  3. Preview:

    • Preview the template with the interactive elements to ensure it appears as intended.

Last updated