SMS settings

Learn how to configure your SMS settings for optimal sending and receiving. Discover the available options and how to configure them.


Default Sender ID

  • Enable Default SenderID: This option allows users to specify a default SenderID for outgoing messages.

    • If enabled, All messages will be sent from the specified default SenderID.

Default Country

  • Enable Default Country: This option restricts message delivery to a specified country.

    • If enabled: Messages will only be sent to the selected default country.

Daily Report

  • Enable Daily Report: Users can opt to receive a daily report of SMS activity via email.

    • If enabled: Enter the email address to which the daily SMS report will be sent.

Number Lookup

  • Enable Number Lookup: This option enables number lookup for every SMS sent from your account.

    • Benefit: Helps ensure SMS messages are only sent to reachable numbers.

    • Additional Charges: Note that additional charges apply for this service.

Low Credit Threshold

  • Threshold Setting: Users can set a threshold for their SMS credits, either as a percentage or a dollar amount.

    • When the credit reaches the specified threshold: An email alert will be sent to the registered email address.

    • Low Credit Alert: Only an email will be sent when the threshold is reached, but the service will continue until the balance reaches zero.

Report URL

  • Report URL: Users can specify a URL to receive postbacks of message statuses.

    • Postback URL: Enter the URL where the message status updates will be sent.

Inbound Setting

  • Enable Mobile Originated (MO) Messages: This option allows users to handle incoming messages.

    • If enabled: Enter the webhook URL where incoming messages will be delivered.

    • Auto Recharge Requirement: To enable MO, the auto recharge option must also be enabled.

Last updated