Start using SMS

A comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the SignUp process and register a Sender ID, ensuring your SMS messages are delivered with trust and recognition.

1. Sign Up for SMS Messaging:

  • If you're new to our platform, click on this link to begin the sign-up process.

  • Fill out the registration form with your details, including your name, email address, and a secure password.

  • Verify your email address to activate your account and gain access to our platform's features.

2. Free Test Credits:

  • As a new user, you are entitled to free test credits, allowing you to send up to 10 outgoing messages.

  • The first thing you need to do is claim your test credit through our user portal

  • Use these test credits to familiarise yourself with our platform and test the effectiveness of SMS messaging for your business.

3. Understanding SenderID:

  • SenderID is the alphanumeric or numeric identifier displayed as the sender's name when your customers receive your SMS messages.

  • It's crucial for branding and building trust with your audience. Customers are more likely to engage with messages from recognizable SenderIDs.

4. Registering SenderID:

  • Contact our customer support team to initiate the registration process for your custom SenderID.

  • They will guide you through the process and assist with any queries or concerns you may have.

5. Initial SenderID Provision:

  • For first-time users, we provide a sample SenderID that can be used for a limited time.

  • Please note that this sample SenderID will be disabled after the specified period.

6. Registration Process Duration:

  • The registration process for a custom SenderID typically takes an average of 4 to 10 days to complete.

  • However, please be aware that the duration may vary depending on the country's regulations and carrier policies.

By following these steps, you'll be well-equipped to start leveraging SMS messaging for your business communication needs, with a recognizable SenderID that enhances brand identity and customer trust.

Last updated