Verify settings

Configure OTP verification settings with ease using our Verify Settings Page. Ensure seamless user verification with customizable options.


Generate Verify Secret

  • Verify Secret: A unique secret key essential for the OTP generation process. This secret is linked to your OTPs, ensuring secure and accurate verification. Users can generate a new Verify Secret as needed.

Callback Settings

  • Callback on Success: Configure a URL to be called when an OTP verification is successful.

  • Callback on Failure: Configure a URL to be called when an OTP verification fails.

OTP Settings

  • OTP Expiry: Set the duration (in minutes) for which the OTP remains valid. After this period, the OTP will expire and cannot be used for verification.

  • OTP Code Length: Configure the length of the OTP code. This typically ranges from 2 to 10 digits.

  • OTP Retry Delay: Set the minimum delay (in seconds) between OTP retry attempts. This helps prevent abuse and rapid retries.

  • OTP Retry Limit: Define the maximum number of allowed retry attempts for entering the OTP.

  • OTP Type: Specify the type of OTP, such as numeric, alpha or alphanumeric.

  • OTP Channel: Choose the delivery channel for the OTP. Options include SMS and WhatsApp.

Verify Message Templates

  • Add Message Templates: Create and manage templates for the messages sent during the OTP verification process. These templates can be customized to match the desired content and format.

Last updated