Types of WhatsApp Templates

Discover the different types of templates for WhatsApp business campaigns. Boost engagement with targeted, effective messaging.

1.Custom Templates

Custom templates allow you to tailor the message format to suit your specific needs. This type of template is versatile and can be used for a variety of messaging purposes, from promotional content to informational updates.



  • Fully customizable message content.

  • Support for text, media, and interactive elements.

  • Suitable for marketing, notifications, and more.

Carousel templates are designed to display multiple items in a sliding format. This template is ideal for showcasing products, services, or multiple offers in a single message.



  • Interactive carousel format.

  • Each card can contain images, text, and buttons.

  • Engages users with visually appealing content.

3. Limited Time Offer (LTO) Templates

LTO templates are crafted for time-sensitive promotional messages. These templates are perfect for flash sales, limited-time discounts, and other urgent offers.


  • Emphasises urgency with a focus on time-limited deals.

  • Can include countdown timers or expiry information.

  • Designed to drive immediate action from recipients.

4. Authentication Templates

If your mobile app allows users to receive one-time passwords (OTPs) or verification codes via WhatsApp, you need to use an authentication template. Here's what you need to know:

Authentication templates include:

  • Fixed Text: "Your verification code is <VERIFICATION_CODE>."

  • Optional Security Disclaimer: "For your security, do not share this code."

  • Optional Expiration Warning: "This code expires in <NUM_MINUTES> minutes."

  • Buttons: One-tap autofill, copy code, or no button for zero-tap.

Types of Authentication Templates

  1. One-Tap Autofill Authentication Templates:

  • Description: Users tap a button in WhatsApp that automatically fills the code in your app.

  • Best For: Android users.

  1. Copy Code Authentication Templates:

  • Description: Users tap a button to copy the code to the clipboard, then paste it into your app.

  • Best For: All devices.

  1. Zero-Tap Authentication Templates:

  • Description: The code is broadcasted to your app without the user leaving the app.

  • Best For: Seamless user experience without switching apps.

Best Practices

  • Confirm User's Number: Make sure the user's WhatsApp number is correct before sending codes.

  • Clear Communication: Inform users that the code will be sent to their WhatsApp number.

  • Visibility: Notify users when your app captures the code.

Time-To-Live (TTL)

  • Default TTL: 10 minutes for new templates, but can be set between 60 and 600 seconds.

  • TTL Importance: Ensure TTL matches your code's expiration time to avoid sending unusable codes.

Last updated